Chest Workout
These chest workout moves, will sculpt and strengthen your chest muscles to perfection! These dynamic exercises target every inch of your chest, helping you achieve the chiseled and powerful upper body you desire. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an advanced enthusiast seeking new challenges, our chest workout moves are for everyone.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Lay back on a bench with a pair of dumbbells, palms facing forward (A). Fully extend your arms, up and together (B). Slowly lower both dumbbells to the sides of your chest, returning to position A, then press the dumbbells back to position B. This move can also be done on the ground or on a stability ball if you do not have a bench.
Dumbbell Bench Press - Decline
See instructions above for Dumbbell Bench Press but switch to bench to decline.
Dumbbell Bench Press - Incline
See instructions above for Dumbbell Bench Press but switch to bench to incline.
Rotating Dumbbell Bench Press
See instructions above for Dumbbell Bench Press but rotate your hands at the top so your palms are facing each other. This move can also be done on the ground or on a stability ball if you do not have a bench. (move not pictured)
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
Lay back on a bench with a pair of dumbbells, palms facing forward (A). Fully extend your right arm (B), then return to starting position A. Next, fully extend your left arm (C) and return to starting position A. This move requires more stabilization, and is more advanced than the standard Dumbbell Bench Press. This move can also be done on the ground or on a stability ball if you do not have a bench. (aka One-arm Dumbbell Bench Press, Alternating Arms Dumbbell Bench Press)
Chest Press Machine
Start by adjusting the seat height so that once you are seated and grasping the handles, your hands are in line with your chest. Have a seat and use the seat back to support you, keeping your abs in tight. Grasp the handles with palms facing down (A). Push the handles forward until your arms are extended but your elbows do not lock (B). For a more advanced move, bring push arms forward and inward. Return your arms back to starting position A without letting the weight stack touch.
Barbell Bench Press
Lay back on a bench with barbell at mid-chest (A). Fully extend your arms, without locking your elbows (B). Slowly lower barbell back to your chest, returning to position A, then press up again to position B. This move can also be done on the ground or on a stability ball if you do not have a bench. Like the Dumbbell Bench Press, this move can also be done on the ground or on a stability ball if you do not have a bench. You can also try this with Decline and Incline variations.
Dumbbell Fly
Lay back on a bench with a pair of dumbbells, palms facing toward each other (A). With elbows slightly bent, lower your arms to the side of chest, until weights are level with shoulders (B). Make sure to use the same arc of motion used to lower the weights. Return to starting position A. This move can also be done on the ground or on a stability ball if you do not have a bench.
Dumbbell Fly - Decline
See instructions above for Dumbbell Fly but switch to bench to decline.
Dumbbell Fly - Incline
See instructions above for Dumbbell Fly but switch to bench to incline.
Bodyweight Fly
The bodyweight fly is an advanced exercise. Place two short barbells or EZ-curl bars close to, and parallel to, each other, making sure that barbells can roll. Get into a push-up position holding each barbell in the center. Keeping your body straight and rigid, slowly roll the barbells away from each other and lower your body until you feel a mild stretch in your chest. Pull the barbells back together and return to the starting position. (move not pictured)
Cable Fly - High
Set the cable fly on the highest notches and take a handle in each hand. Step out with one foot forward so you are in a staggered stance with arms out to side (A). With a slight bend in your elbows, pull the handles down in front of you in the center of your chest (B). Bring your hands back to starting position A.
Cable Fly - Mid
Set the cable fly on notches level with chest and take a handle in each hand. Step out with one foot forward so you are in a staggered stance with arms out to side (A). With a slight bend in your elbows, pull the handles out in front of you in the center of your chest (B). Bring your hands back to starting position A. (move not pictured)
Cable Fly - Low
Set the cable fly on the notches that are most comfortable to have your arms resting at your sides while holding handles in each hand. Step out with one foot forward so you are in a staggered stance with arms out to side (A). With a slight bend in your elbows, pull the handles up in front of you in the center of your chest (B). Bring your hands back to starting position A.
Pec Deck Machine
Start by adjusting the seat height. Grip the handles so that your palms are facing outward and elbows are rested on pads and in line with your shoulders (A). Squeeze your chest and pull the handles bringing your elbows together in front of you (B). Slowly return arms to starting position A, don't let the weight stack touch.
Chest Dips
Get on to parallel bars, holding your body at arm's length (arms locked) above the bars (A or C). Lower yourself slowly, while leaning your torso forward about 30 degrees, so your elbows flare out slightly (B or D). You should feel a slight stretch in the chest. Using your chest, bring your body back to the starting position as you breathe out. Squeeze chest at the top of the movement. If you do not have the strength to perform this move, then the assisted dip machine is recommended (shown in C/D). For an advanced version, weights can be added using a belt, ankle weights, shoulder bags, etc.

Explosion Push-Up
The explosion push-up is an advanced exercise. See instructions above for Push-Up but when pressing yourself back up, use enough force that either your hands or your hands and feet leave the floor (C).
One-Leg Push-Up
See instructions above for Push-Up but lift one leg off the ground.
One-Arm Push-Up
See instructions above for Push-Up but for stability you will need to spread your feet further apart.
Spiderman Push-Up
See instructions above for Push-Up but while at the bottom of the push-up, you will touch one knee to your elbow, then alternate sides.
Bosu Ball Push-Up
See instructions above for Push-Up but hands will be placed on side of a bosu ball, with the bosu ball side down.
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