Shoulders Workout Moves
While doing any pressing moves, lateral raises or front raises, be sure to keep your shoulder blades back & down, away from your ears. If you feel any pain in your neck or traps, lower the weight you are using. Proper form is critical to help prevent injury or strain.
Dumbbell Press
Seated: Sitting on a bench (with back support preferred), place dumbbells on top of your thighs. Bring the dumbbells to shoulder height at each side, arms bent at right angles, and palms of hands facing forward. This is your starting position (A). Push the dumbbells up until they touch at the top (B).Slowly come down back to the starting position (A) as you inhale.
Standing: This move has the same instruction as the Seated Dumbell Press above, but you will be standing up instead, with legs shoulder width apart.
These moves can be done with resistance bands in lieu of weights. (move not pictured)
Barbell Press
Seated: Sitting down on a bench, press your back firmly against the padding for support. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width, back and head straight and feet firmly planted on the floor. Press the bar directly over your head in a vertical line (A). Slowly lower the bar to just below chin level (B), then push the bar back up. Remember to keep your back straight and do not arch. Repeat the movement. (aka Military Press)
Standing: This move has the same instruction as the Seated Barbell Press above, but you will be standing up instead, with legs shoulder width apart. If you have back issues, then the seated version may be a better option for you .
These moves can be done with resistance bands in lieu of weights. (move not pictured)
Shoulder Press Machine
This move is similar to the Seated Dumbbell Press or Seated Barbell Press mentioned above, but with this machine you will grabbing the handles and pressing them above your head. Remember to keep you back straight and do not lock your elbows.
Arnold Presses
Seated on a bench with your back supported, hold two dumbbells in front of you at chest level with elbows bent and palms facing you (A). Press the dumbbells up while rotating your palms so they are facing forward (B). Lower the dumbbells to the starting position, making sure to rotate the palms so they are facing you again.
Hold two moderately light dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing forward. Hands should be in line with the shoulders and held out wide. The shape of your arms should resemble a W (A). Lift the dumbbells overhead in a wide arc unil they touch (B). Pause and contract at the top, then slowly return to the starting position.
Lateral Raise
Stand or sit with dumbbell in each hand at your side (A). With your back straight, core tight, and elbow slightly bent, lift the weights out to the side until your arms are parallel with the floor (B). Lower weights back down again to starting position. Aim for perfect form. Resistance bands can also be used in lieu of weights. Never go beyond parallel when raising weights. If your arms come forward during the move then it’s time lower your weight.
This move can be done with resistance bands in lieu of weights (move not pictured).
Bent Over Lateral Raise
Much like the Lateral Raise, this move can be done standing or seated, but you will bend over at the hips until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Dumbbells will be directly beneath you with your elbows straight but not locked, palms facing each other (A). Raise the dumbbells up and out to your sides until your arms are parallel with the floor at shoulder level (B). Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. This move can be done with resistance bands in lieu of weights.
One Arm Cross-Cable Laterals
Using the cable machine with a single-grip attachment, set the pulley in the lowest setting. With the attachment on one side of your body, grab it with the opposite hand so you are reaching acorss your body. Take a few steps away from the machine to add tension on the cable (A). With a slight bend in your elbow, pull the attachment out and away from you until the arm is directly to side of the body and parallel with the floor (B). Slowly return to the starting positions. (move not pictured)
This move can be done with resistance bands in lieu of weights. (move not pictured)
Dumbbell Front Raises
Stand with legs shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells in each hand, and palms facing behind you (A). Raise one dumbbell to shoulder height, keeping a very slight bend in your elbows. Palms will face the floor at the top of move (B). Slowly come down back to the starting position A and repeat on opposite side (C). (move not pictured)
This move can be done with resistance bands in lieu of weights.
Barbell Front Raises
Stand with legs shoulder width apart, holding barbell in front of you with both hands, palms facing your body. Raise the barbell to shoulder height, keeping a very slight bend in your elbows. Palms will face the floor at the top of move (B). Slowly come down back to the starting position A.
This move can be done with resistance bands in lieu of weights.
Cable Front Raises
Stand with legs shoulder width apart, holding straight bar in front of you with both hands, palms facing your body. Raise the barbell to shoulder height, keeping a very slight bend in your elbows. Palms will face the floor at the top of move (B). Slowly come down back to the starting position A.
Shoulder Shrugs
Stand with dumbbells in each hand, arms to your sides (A). Lift dumbbells by shrugging the shoulders as high as possible (B). Hold at the top for a second. Your arms should remain extended through the entire movement so only the shoulders move up and down. Lower the dumbbells back to starting position A.
Face Pulls
Using the cable machine with ropes or dual handles attached, set the pulley at just higher than chest level. Grasp attachment with an overhand grip. Step back so you're supporting the weight with arms outstretched. You can use a staggered stance with knees bent slighlty for more stability (A). Pull the weight directly towards your face, separating your hands to the side of your face, and rotating so your knuckles face the ceiling (B).
Barbell Upright Rows
Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip with hands just less than shoulder width apart. The bar should be resting in front of you, arms extended with a slight bend in your elbows (A). Using the sides of your shoulders to lift the bar, raise your elbows up and to the side, keeping the bar close to your body. The bar should almost touch your chin (B). Elbows should always be higher than forearms. Lower back down to the starting position (A).
Cable Upright Rows
Upright rows can also be performed using a straight bar attached to a low cable pulley.(move not pictured)
Dumbbell Upright Rows
Upright rows can also be performed using using dumbbells, which are best for those that are familiar with correct execution. (move not pictured)